Kinetic.Media = function(config){, config); this.mediaData = config.mediaData; this.parent = config.parent; //Detect if browser is IOS this.iOS = /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test( navigator.userAgent ); this.createMedia(); } Kinetic.Media.prototype = { createMedia: function(){ if (this.mediaData.type == 'image'){ this.initImg(); } else if (this.mediaData.type == 'text'){ this.initText(); } else if (this.mediaData.type == 'video'){ this.initVideo(); } else if (this.mediaData.type == 'new_video'){ this.initNewVideo(); } else if (this.mediaData.type == 'audio'){ this.initAudio(); } }, getWidth: function(){ return this.width; }, getHeight: function(){ return this.height; }, setX: function(x){ var thisObject = this; if (this.mediaData.type == 'image'){ // loop until this.img exists (img loaded) var interval = window.setInterval(function(){ if (thisObject.img !== undefined){ window.clearInterval(interval); thisObject.img.setX(x); thisObject.getLayer().draw(); } },10); } else if (this.mediaData.type == 'text'){ this.text.setX(x); } }, initImg: function(){ var thisObject = this; var oWidth = this.mediaData.mediaFile.width; var oHeight = this.mediaData.mediaFile.height; var width = this.mediaData.width; var height = this.mediaData.height; /* for (var i = 0; i < this.mediaData.parameters.length; i++){ var key = this.mediaData.parameters[i].key; if (key == 'sizex'){ width = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } else if (key == 'sizey'){ height = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } }*/ var ratioX = 1; if(oWidth > width){ ratioX = width / oWidth; } var ratioY = 1; if(oHeight > height){ ratioY = height / oHeight; } var scaleRatio = ratioX; if(ratioX>ratioY){ scaleRatio = ratioY; } width = oWidth * scaleRatio; height = oHeight * scaleRatio; if (this.mediaData.useThumb){ // resize to thumb (150 width or height max) var ratio = 0; if (width > 150){ ratio = height / width; width = 150; height = width * ratio; } if (height > 150){ ratio = width / height; height = 150; width = height * ratio; } } this.height = height; this.width = width; this.imageObj = new Image(); this.imageObj.onload = function(){ thisObject.img = new Kinetic.Image({ 'x': thisObject.mediaData.x, 'y': thisObject.mediaData.y, 'image': thisObject.imageObj, 'width': width, 'height': height }); thisObject.parent.add(thisObject.img); thisObject.parent.draw(); } this.imageObj.src = ''+projectData.userId+'/''/'+this.mediaData.mediaFile.path+'&width='+width+'&height='+height; }, initText: function(){ var thisObject = this; var width = this.mediaData.width; var height = this.mediaData.height; for (var i = 0; i < this.mediaData.parameters.length; i++){ var key = this.mediaData.parameters[i].key; if (key == 'sizex'){ width = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } else if (key == 'sizey'){ height = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } } this.height = height; thisObject.text = new Kinetic.Text({ 'x': thisObject.mediaData.x, 'y': thisObject.mediaData.y + 2, 'text': thisObject.mediaData.value, 'fontSize': 11, 'fontFamily': 'Arial', 'fill': '#000000' }); thisObject.parent.add(thisObject.text); thisObject.parent.draw(); }, initVideo: function(){ var thisObject = this; var id =; var width = this.mediaData.width; var height = this.mediaData.height; for (var i = 0; i < this.mediaData.parameters.length; i++){ var key = this.mediaData.parameters[i].key; if (key == 'sizex'){ width = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } else if (key == 'sizey'){ height = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } } var path = ''+projectData.userId+'/''/'+this.mediaData.mediaFile.path; path = path.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ""); // create element $('#media').append(''); // default autoplay for this project (idem as initVideo:) // check video support var mp4Supported = (!!document.createElement('video').canPlayType('video/mp4')); if (mp4Supported) { path += '.mp4'; } else { path += '.ogv'; } // show video var left = $('.kineticjs-content').offset().left + this.mediaData.x + thisObject.parent.getX(); var top = $('.kineticjs-content').offset().top + this.mediaData.y + thisObject.parent.getY(); $('#videoPlayer_'+id).css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': left, 'top': top, 'width': width, 'height': height }); // play video $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].src = path; $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].load(); }, initNewVideo: function(){ var thisObject = this; var id =; var width = this.mediaData.width; var height = this.mediaData.height; var pauseForQuestion = false; var videoPauseTime = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.mediaData.parameters.length; i++){ var key = this.mediaData.parameters[i].key; if (key == 'sizex'){ width = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } else if (key == 'sizey'){ height = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } else if (key == 'pauseForQuestion'){ pauseForQuestion = (this.mediaData.parameters[i].value == 'true'); //convert string to boolean } else if (key == 'videoPauseTime'){ var videoPauseTimeTmp = parseInt(this.mediaData.parameters[i].value); // convert string to Integer videoPauseTime = isNaN(videoPauseTimeTmp) ? 0 : videoPauseTimeTmp; // fallback when conversion fails. } } var path = ''+projectData.userId+'/''/'+this.mediaData.mediaFile.path; path = path.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ""); // create element var controls = 'controls'; // DVR - Always show controls from the start so IOS users can hit the video play button //Only do this if on IOS if (pauseForQuestion && !this.iOS){ controls = ''; } // default autoplay for this project (idem as initVideo:) $('#media').append(''); // check video support var mp4Supported = (!!document.createElement('video').canPlayType('video/mp4')); if (mp4Supported) { path += '.mp4'; } else { path += '.ogv'; } // show video var left = $('.kineticjs-content').offset().left + this.mediaData.x + thisObject.parent.getX(); var top = $('.kineticjs-content').offset().top + this.mediaData.y + thisObject.parent.getY(); $('#videoPlayer_'+id).css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': left, 'top': top, 'width': width, 'height': height }); // play video $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].src = path; $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].load(); $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].play(); // DVR - TODO: Autoplay does not work on IOS. // pause for question if (pauseForQuestion){ $('#videoPlayer_'+id).bind('contextmenu',function() { return false; }); $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].mediaId = id; $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].videoPauseTime = videoPauseTime; $('#videoPlayer_'+id)[0].addEventListener('timeupdate', this.timeupdateListener); // DVR - changed from "pauseForQuestionListener" } }, initAudio: function(){ var thisObject = this; var id =; var width = this.mediaData.width; var height = this.mediaData.height; for (var i = 0; i < this.mediaData.parameters.length; i++){ var key = this.mediaData.parameters[i].key; if (key == 'sizex'){ width = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } else if (key == 'sizey'){ height = this.mediaData.parameters[i].value; } } var path = ''+projectData.userId+'/''/media/audio'+this.mediaData.mediaFile.path; path = path.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ""); // create element var audioElement = ""; audioElement = ""; $('#media').append(audioElement); // DVR - Is not necessary. Audio element handles this. Provide both types and browser will play wat is possible // // check audio support // var mp3Supported = (!!document.createElement('audio').canPlayType('audio/mp3')); // // if (mp3Supported) { // path += '.mp3'; // } else { // path += '.wav'; // } // show audio var left = $('.kineticjs-content').offset().left + this.mediaData.x; var top = $('.kineticjs-content').offset().top + this.mediaData.y; $('#audioPlayer_'+id).css({ 'display': 'block', 'left': left, 'top': top, 'width': width, 'height': height }); // play audio //$('#audioPlayer_'+id)[0].src = path; // DVR - source is already provide in creation of audio element. //$('#audioPlayer_'+id)[0].load(); // DVR - autoload is automatically done //$('#audioPlayer_'+id)[0].play(); // DVR - autoplay is already provide in creation of audio element. }, timeupdateListener: function(evt){ var videoIsPlaying = false; // pause video when videoPauseTime is reached if ($('#videoPlayer_'[0].currentTime >{ $('#videoPlayer_'[0].pause(); } //remove videocontrols when vid is playing if (!videoIsPlaying && $('#videoPlayer_'[0].currentTime > 0) { videoIsPlaying = true; $('#videoPlayer_'[0].removeAttribute("controls"); } }, // DVR - changed from "removePauseForQuestionListener" removeTimeupdateListener: function(){ $('#videoPlayer_'[0].removeEventListener('timeupdate', this.timeupdateListener); } } Kinetic.Util.extend(Kinetic.Media, Kinetic.Group);